School Uniform

Students are required to dress neatly in uniforms at all times to help maintain a good learning environment. Uniforms are purchased through school and if additional items are needed, you can contact the office to request order forms.

Lost and Found

A lost and found box is kept in the office of the Primary Principal. We ask that all your child’s articles be clearly labelled with his/her name. The school will take no responsibility for lost belongings. Parents are encouraged to frequently check the lost and found, but the most efficient means of matching items to owners is to have all items clearly marked with the student’s name.

Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast and a Hot Lunch are provided for the students at the school every day. However, students with specific dietary requirements may bring in a packed lunch. Students will be asked to show good manners while enjoying their lunch and should leave a neat and tidy area for the next meal group.


It is imperative that the students take care of their text books and those borrowed from the library, treating school property respectfully.

Valuables in School

Students are asked not to bring valuables into school. Occasionally, students may wish to bring valuable items into school as part of a project or other piece of school-related work. Under these circumstances, any valuables should be given to the school office or form teacher for sake-keeping. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of valuables.

Electronic Devices (Phones, MP3 players, Game Consoles)

In school, students should not use mobile phones, portable music devices and electronic games unless for educational purposes. Students are encouraged to leave these devices at home. The school cannot be held responsible for the loss of or damage to valuable electronic equipment. Cell phones are not permitted during the day unless a student is given permission from a teacher. However, again, students are encouraged to leave these devices at home.

Dangerous Items

Students should not come to school in possession of anything which may pose a danger to themselves or others. Specifically, knives or imitation weapons are forbidden. Absences and Daily Attendance Registration During registration, records of lateness and absences are entered on our database. Absences are also recorded on students’ report cards. If your child is to be absent, please inform the school reception by telephone or email.

Late Arrival

Students should be in their form classes following the morning assembly at 8:00 a.m. Parents of students who fail to sign in will be unnecessarily called at home or work in our effort to locate “missing students.” If you are dropping off your child after classes have begun, please ensure that your child visits the secretary in order that they be registered as present.

Absence Due to Illness

A parent or guardian must contact the school to notify a student’s illness. If students become unwell while at school, they must go to the office of the school nurse. The school nurse will evaluate the student’s medical condition and make a decision about whether the student should go home. The school will notify the student’s parents to come and pick up the child.

Leaving the School Grounds

Students may not leave the school grounds without permission. If a student wishes to be dismissed early from school, an explanatory note should be sent to the class teacher by the parent. The student should receive permission from the school administration.

Morning Arrival and Afternoon Dismissal

Although the school grounds are usually open, there are no teachers on duty prior to 8:00 a.m. We kindly ask parents to ensure that children arrive at school safely prior to this time.

After dismissal in the afternoon, if a child is to be picked up by someone other than the parent/caregiver, the parent should contact the school secretary to inform staff of the change and to indicate which person will be taking your child home

After School

After school, most students return home immediately.  However, some students will remain at the school for club activities. All students should attend clubs they have registered for regularly, and a parental note needs to be sent to school, if for any reason your child cannot attend.

Following 4:00 p.m., after the club activity has finished, no students are to be inside the school as there is no supervision. Children who need to go home unaccompanied will only be allowed to do so if parents have completed a permission form.


Primary students are not allowed to visit the canteen during the class. However, students who are at school after classes may purchase a snack or drink.

Field Trips

A primary school trip off-campus is considered school time. During primary school trips where students are taken off campus for all or part of a normal school day, or are taken away on a trip for one or more nights, they are under the direct supervision of school staff. School time continues for the whole of the period that the student is under the supervision of school staff. Participants in school organized trips are representatives of the school at all times. As such, they are expected to abide by school rules, to follow appropriate standards of behavior and appearance and to demonstrate concern for the wellbeing of others. During any out-of-school event, all specific event procedures, Primary School rules and expectations of good conduct and relevant undertakings accepted on the event-specific permission form, will apply at all times.

Vaccinations, Health Issues, Allergies, Medication

If a child is subject to serious allergies, a medical condition or a specific ailment, it is the responsibility of the child’s parents to inform the school and provide a treatment protocol to assist their child with the condition. ISP cannot assume responsibility for treatment in the absence of such a protocol.

Parents can provide information on the registration form which is completed at the beginning of the school year. Parents should understand that the sharing of this information with their child’s class teacher and all staff members involved is imperative in case of an emergency situation.

Also, as a part of the regulations of the Ministry of Education, ISP requires that all students have received the required vaccinations prior to registration.

Class Preparation

Students are responsible for being prepared for lessons. This includes bringing the appropriate materials and supplies to classes as indicated by the teacher.

Parent Communication

Maintaining effective channels of communication between home and school is a shared responsibility for everyone in our community. Enabling families and teachers to have open and regular discussions regarding student learning is a major goal for the school. If any situation outside of school arises, which may affect your child’s learning; it is advisable to make the teacher aware, so that steps can be taken to support. ISP encourages families to contact teachers and the school’s administration whenever necessary. The school adopts an open-door policy and is happy to receive parents or guardians at any time. However, visits should be pre-arranged whenever possible in order to avoid any unnecessary disruption to the regular teaching program.

We send home information letters on a regular basis to keep the parents informed about activities happening at school. Also, the ISP web site ( provides everyone in the school community with access to comprehensive and up-to date information about the school.

At various times during the school year, presentations are given about various aspects of the school for parents. ISP also hosts regular parent-teacher meetings throughout the year to discuss the progress of your child.

If a matter is very urgent, telephone or visit us as early as possible.

Respecting School and Facilities

The manner in which everyone at ISP behaves should reflect our common beliefs and shared vision. As a school community, we need to respect the property of others and respect and assert our right to a clean, safe, and kind environment—follow the proper procedures to make sure others are not ruining your environment, harming you, harming others or depriving you of your right to learn.